I’m Thankful For

house shaped card in beige, red and turquoise with front door and two windows die cut, a row of flowers at the bottom of the house and a rolled up newspaper at the front door
while i have many things i’m thankful for, i’m focusing on just one for this week’s impression obsession challenge. as i’ve mentioned before, i have severe RA, which makes daily living activities difficult, not to mention how the fatigue slows me down; however, DH is a tremendous help around the house and he always supports my need to create and encourages me along my card making journey. so, even though he has a stash of my cards, i made this shaped card for him. i used two impression obsession dies from my recent IO blog hop win: DIE009-Z the house and hydrangea for the flowers, which i sponged. i also used the door and window die, added a gold pearl for the doorknob and a rolled up piece of text paper for the newspaper. thanks for popping by.

9 thoughts on “I’m Thankful For

  1. It’s so sweet!! I love all the details. The miniature rolled up newspaper the front door is such a cute accessory.

  2. OMGosh, Linda!!! That is just gorgeous! How creative with the DP and the dies. I love every inch!!! Thanks for playing and good luck in the drawing too.

  3. this is a gorgeous card Linda and I love the shape. the rolled up newspaper is such a perfect finishing touch :)

  4. Great card!! Love this house with these papers. And the flowers are such a nice touch! Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  5. Linda, so glad you submitted to IO crafting contest! This is fun to learn and share great images for any occasion. IO can be proud of you! and your lovin’ DH champion helpmate! What a card to grace him with after you thought through the shapes and winning diecuts to be dp, bg, or sponged! Then you came up with that totally smart rolled newspaper at the front door! Wow! Simply the nines, Linda; simply the nines! and a blessing DH to top it all in ‘cream and cherries’. Keep Looking UP! mt23stamperatyaho

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