Christmas Cards From Leftovers

i’m playing along with the impression obsession challenge – season’s greetings, using the IO peace die; i love the typeface. this time i attached it using the stick it adhesive sheets which are much less messy than a glue pen but with my RA, just as fiddly.

copyright linda @ IO nov2015fourcopyright linda @ IO nov2015onecopyright linda @ IO nov2015threecopyright linda @ IO nov2015two

i’m also playing along with the jingle belles’ prompt to use leftovers on your projects and these strips are what remained after i made a set of cards for an aunt – yet to be photographed; one more thing i seem to be falling behind on.

and i’m submitting this to scrappy mo’s last rudolph days challenge for this year; where does the time go?!

thanks for popping by.

11 thoughts on “Christmas Cards From Leftovers

  1. A great set of card and well done on using up the left overs and lets hope that there really is peace this Christmas.

    Kath x

  2. Great way to use up snippets. Your cards look beautiful. I sure agree about the fiddly part of double sided adhesive papers. Removing all the excess pains my hands too!

    Thanks for taking part in the November Rudolph Days Challenge and good luck in the prize draws.

  3. Hi Linda

    Loving the look of these four cards with the simple die cut and the wonderful designer papers.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  4. oh wow, wow, wow! what a truly ♥FABULOUS♥ set of cards, and such a perfect use of your “holiday leftovers”! (plus a great use of card-making energy to make a few of similar design!!!) thanks for joining our festive feast at JINGLE BELLES! ♥♥♥

  5. I love how you have found a beautiful way to use those left over papers! Thanks for playing along with the IO Challenge

  6. What a great use of the sentiment and designer paper to create clean and simple yet elegant holiday cards. Thanks for playing in the IO challenge.

  7. What an awesome repeatable design … so very glad you joined us with your holiday leftovers at Jingle Belles.

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